AAA | Alberta Association of Architects |
AAAC | Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada |
AADAT | Alberta Association of Designers and Architectural Technologists |
AAMD & C | Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties |
AATO | Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario |
ABCFP | Association of British Columbia Forestry Professionals |
ABCLS | Association of B.C Land Surveyors |
ABET | Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (USA) |
ACCC | Association of Canadian Community Colleges (now: CICAN) |
ACCE | American Council for Construction Education (USA) |
ACCES | Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Association |
ACEC | Association of Consulting Engineering Companies |
ACEC-NB | Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – New Brunswick (see AFIC-NB) |
ACETTPEI | (Association of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists of P.E.I.) now: ITP |
ACOA | Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
AETTNL Inc. | Assoc. of Eng’g. Technicians and Technologists of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc. |
AFIC-NB | Association des Firmes d’Ingénieurs-Conseils – Nouveau-Brunswick ( see ACEC-NB) |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AHRDCC | Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada |
AIBC | Architectural Institute of B.C. |
AIT | Agreement on Internal Trade |
ANBLS | Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors |
AOP | Assembly of CM Presidents |
APBBC | Association of Professional Biologists of B.C. |
APEGBC | Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia |
APEGGA | Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta |
APEGM | Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Manitoba |
APEGNB | Assoc. Of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick (2008>EGNB) |
APEGS | Assoc. Of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan |
APENS | Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia |
ASCET | American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians (USA) |
AScT | Applied Science Technologist |
ASET | Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta |
AST | Aboriginal Science and Technology |
ASTTBC | Applied Science Technicians and Technologists of British Columbia |
BCIT | British Columbia Institute of Technology |
BHRC | Biotechnical Human Resources Council |
BTech | Bachelor of Technology Degree |
CAE | Certified Association Executive |
CAF | Canadian Apprenticeship Forum |
CATA | Canadian Advanced Technology Association |
CBET | Certified Biomedical Engineering Technologist |
CBIE | Canadian Bureau of International Education |
CBoC | Conference Board of Canada |
CCAA | Canadian Council of Aviation and Aerospace |
CCAC | Committee of Canadian Architectural Councils |
CCC | Canadian Career Consortium |
CciT | Certified Computer Information Technologist |
CCLS | Canadian Council of Land Surveyors |
CCNB | Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (francophone) |
CCPE | Canadian Council of Professional Engineering (as of 2008= Engineers Canada) |
CCPG | Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists |
CCTT | Canadian Council of Technicians & Technologists |
CDA | Canadian Defence Academy |
CEAB | Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board |
CET | Certified Engineering Technician |
CET | Certified Engineering Technologist |
CICan | Colleges and Institutes Canada |
CICIC | Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CIPS | Canadian Information Processing Society |
CLBC | Canadian Labour Business Centre |
CLS | Canadian Land Surveyor |
CM | Constituent Member(s) of the CCTT (plural- CMs) |
CMA | Canadian Medical Association |
CMHC | Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation |
CMP | Council of Maritime Premiers |
CofC | Chamber of Commerce |
COR | Council of Registrars |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
CSAE | Canadian Society of Association Executives |
CSC | Construction Specifications Canada |
CSCP | Construction Safety Certification Panel |
CSCT | Canadian Society of Chemical Technologists |
CSMLT | Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists |
CTAB | Canadian Technology Accreditation Board |
CTech | Certified Technician |
CTEN | Canadian Technical Employment Network |
CTHRB | Canadian Technology Human Resources board |
CTIA | Computer Technology Industry Association |
CTS | Canadian Technology Standards (academics) |
CTTAM | Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba |
CWC | Canadian Wood Council |
DND | Department of National Defence (Canada) |
E.D. | Executive Director |
EA | Educational Agencies |
ECO Cda | Environment Council of Canada (formerly CCHREI) |
EGGP Act | Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act |
EGNB | Engineers Geoscientists New Brunswick ( see IGN-B) |
EIC | The Engineering Institute of Canada |
EIN-B | Ingénieurs Géoscientifiques Nouveau-Brunswick |
EMAC | Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association of Canada |
ESDC | Economic and Social Development Canada |
ESO | Executive Staff Officers |
FCM | Federation of Canadian Municipalities |
FCR | Foreign Credentials Recognition |
FEAT | Foundation for Education & Advancement in Technology |
FITT | Forum for International Trade Training |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
FYI | For Your Information |
GOC | Government of Canada |
GRADTECH | Grad Technologist/Technician |
GST | Goods & Services Tax |
HA | Health Authority |
HRSDC | (Human Resources and Skills Development -Canada = Service Canada) now: ESDC |
HST | Harmonized Sales Tax |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning |
IEA | International Engineering Alliance |
IC | Industry Canada |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
IEEIE | Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (U.K.) |
IEng | Incorporated Engineer |
IEP | Internationally Educated Person / Professional |
IETO | Institute of Engineering Technology of Ontario |
IFS | Institute of Forest Surveyors |
IIE | Institute of Incorporated Engineers |
ILO | Industry Liaison Officer |
IMechIE | Institution of Mechanical Incorporated Engineers (U.K.) |
IntET | designation for internationally registered Certified Technologists |
IntETn | designation for internationally registered Certified Technicians |
ITP | Internationally Trained Professional |
ITP | Island Technology Professionals (P.E.I.) |
IQDB | International Qualifications DataBase |
LLH | Limited License Holder |
LMI | Labour Market Information |
MCTA | Military/Civilian Training Accreditation (Program) |
MLA | Member of the Legislature (provinces and territories) |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement |
MOC | Military Occupation Classification |
MoF | Ministry of Forests |
MOHS | Ministry of Health Services |
MOT | Ministry Of (Ontario) Transport |
MOTH | Ministry of Transportation & Highways |
MOU | Memorandum Of Understanding |
MTO | Ministry, Transportation of Ontario |
NAFTA | (North American Free Trade Agreement) now: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement |
NAIT | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology |
NBCC | New Brunswick Community College (anglophone) |
NBSCETT | New Brunswick Society of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists(SttagN-B) |
NCDoT | (National Council of Deans of Technology) now: NCDATT |
NCDATT | National Council of Deans of Apprenticeship, Trades and Technology |
NICET | National Institute for the Certification in Engineering Technologies (USA) |
NOC | National Occupation Classification |
NORA | Network of Regulatory Agencies |
NRC | National Research Council |
NRS | National Reference Standards |
NTW | National Technology Week |
OAA | Ontario Association Of Architects |
OACETT | Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists |
OLA | Open Learning Agency |
OSPE | Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (distinct from registering body, PEO) |
OTPQ | Ordre des technologues professionnels du Quebéc – (SODET) |
P.Eng. | Professional Engineer |
P.Geol. | Professional Geologists |
P.Geoph. | Professional Geophysicist |
PAC | Program Advisory Committee |
PAg | Professional Agrologist |
PAG | Program Advisory Group |
PDA | Professional Development Assurance |
PEAs | Professional Engineering Associations |
PEO | Professional Engineers of Ontario |
PGeo | Professional GeoScience |
PLAR | Prior Learning Assessment Recognition |
PSC | Public Service Commission |
PST | Provincial Sales Tax |
PTech | Professional Technologist |
PTF | President’s Task Force |
RET | Registered Engineering Technologist (only used in Alberta) |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RPF | Registered Professional Forester |
RPL | Recognition of Prior Learning (see PLAR) |
RPT | Registered Professional Technologist |
S&T | Science & Technology |
SAIT | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology |
SASTT | (Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists & Technicians) now: TPS / TPSK |
SCBC | Science Council of B.C. |
SCC | Skills Canada Compétence |
SCP | (Sector Council Program) |
SIEN | Skilled Immigrant Employment Network |
SLGs | Staff Liaison Group (Executive Officers provincial Engineers Canada associations) |
SME | Small & Medium Enterprises |
TAC | Technology Accreditation Canada |
TASC | (The Alliance of Sector Councils) |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TBD | To Be Developed |
TechNova | SCETTNS-Society of Certified Eng’g. Technicians and Technologists of Nova Scotia |
TGIT | Technology Graduate In Training |
TPS | Technology Professionals Saskatchewan |
TPC | Technology Professionals Canada |
TRC | Technology Registrations Canada (ASTTBC) |
TQAC | Technology Qualifications Assessment Canada |
U.K. | United Kingdom |
USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement |
UNESCO | United Nationals Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
WCB | Workers Compensation Board |
WETT | Women in Engineering, Technology & Trades |
WFTO | World Federation of Technology Organizations |
WIC | WorkingInCanada (website) |
WiN | Women in Nuclear Energy /Radiation |
WITT | Women in Trades and Technology |
WOWTC | Westcoast Onsite Wastewater Training Center |
YSF | Youth Science Foundation |
Pour ajouter/changer des acronymes, s’il-vous- plaît contacter directement la SttagN-B/NBSCETT: