
AAA Alberta Association of Architects
AAAC Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
AADAT Alberta Association of Designers and Architectural Technologists
AAMD & C Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties
AATO Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario
ABCFP Association of British Columbia Forestry Professionals
ABCLS Association of B.C Land Surveyors
ABET Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (USA)
ACCC Association of Canadian Community Colleges (now: CICAN)
ACCE American Council for Construction Education (USA)
ACCES Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Association
ACEC Association of Consulting Engineering Companies
ACEC-NB Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – New Brunswick (see AFIC-NB)
ACETTPEI (Association of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists of P.E.I.) now: ITP
ACOA Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
AETTNL Inc. Assoc. of Eng’g. Technicians and Technologists of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc.
AFIC-NB Association des Firmes d’Ingénieurs-Conseils – Nouveau-Brunswick ( see ACEC-NB)
AGM Annual General Meeting
AHRDCC Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada
AIBC Architectural Institute of B.C.
AIT Agreement on Internal Trade
ANBLS Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors
AOP Assembly of CM Presidents
APBBC Association of Professional Biologists of B.C.
APEGBC Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
APEGGA Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
APEGM Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Manitoba
APEGNB Assoc. Of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick (2008>EGNB)
APEGS Assoc. Of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
APENS Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia
ASCET American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians (USA)
AScT Applied Science Technologist
ASET Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta
AST Aboriginal Science and Technology
ASTTBC Applied Science Technicians and Technologists of British Columbia
BCIT British Columbia Institute of Technology
BHRC Biotechnical Human Resources Council
BTech Bachelor of Technology Degree
CAE Certified Association Executive
CAF Canadian Apprenticeship Forum
CATA Canadian Advanced Technology Association
CBET Certified Biomedical Engineering Technologist
CBIE Canadian Bureau of International Education
CBoC Conference Board of Canada
CCAA Canadian Council of Aviation and Aerospace
CCAC Committee of Canadian Architectural Councils
CCC Canadian Career Consortium
CciT Certified Computer Information Technologist
CCLS Canadian Council of Land Surveyors
CCNB Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (francophone)
CCPE Canadian Council of Professional Engineering (as of 2008= Engineers Canada)
CCPG Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists
CCTT Canadian Council of Technicians & Technologists
CDA Canadian Defence Academy
CEAB Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board
CET Certified Engineering Technician
CET Certified Engineering Technologist
CICan Colleges and Institutes Canada
CICIC Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
CIPS Canadian Information Processing Society
CLBC Canadian Labour Business Centre
CLS Canadian Land Surveyor
CM Constituent Member(s) of the CCTT (plural- CMs)
CMA Canadian Medical Association
CMHC Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
CMP Council of Maritime Premiers
CofC Chamber of Commerce
COR Council of Registrars
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSAE Canadian Society of Association Executives
CSC Construction Specifications Canada
CSCP Construction Safety Certification Panel
CSCT Canadian Society of Chemical Technologists
CSMLT Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists
CTAB Canadian Technology Accreditation Board
CTech Certified Technician
CTEN Canadian Technical Employment Network
CTHRB Canadian Technology Human Resources board
CTIA Computer Technology Industry Association
CTS Canadian Technology Standards (academics)
CTTAM Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba
CWC Canadian Wood Council
DND Department of National Defence (Canada)
E.D. Executive Director
EA Educational Agencies
ECO Cda Environment Council of Canada (formerly CCHREI)
EGGP Act Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act
EGNB Engineers Geoscientists New Brunswick ( see IGN-B)
EIC The Engineering Institute of Canada
EIN-B Ingénieurs Géoscientifiques Nouveau-Brunswick
EMAC Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association of Canada
ESDC Economic and Social Development Canada
ESO Executive Staff Officers
FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities
FCR Foreign Credentials Recognition
FEAT Foundation for Education & Advancement in Technology
FITT Forum for International Trade Training
FTA Free Trade Agreement
FYI For Your Information
GOC Government of Canada
GRADTECH Grad Technologist/Technician
GST Goods & Services Tax
HA Health Authority
HRSDC (Human Resources and Skills Development -Canada = Service Canada) now: ESDC
HST Harmonized Sales Tax
HVAC Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
IEA International Engineering Alliance
IC Industry Canada
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
IEEIE Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (U.K.)
IEng Incorporated Engineer
IEP Internationally Educated Person / Professional
IETO Institute of Engineering Technology of Ontario
IFS Institute of Forest Surveyors
IIE Institute of Incorporated Engineers
ILO Industry Liaison Officer
IMechIE Institution of Mechanical Incorporated Engineers (U.K.)
IntET designation for internationally registered Certified Technologists
IntETn designation for internationally registered Certified Technicians
ITP Internationally Trained Professional
ITP Island Technology Professionals (P.E.I.)
IQDB International Qualifications DataBase
LLH Limited License Holder
LMI Labour Market Information
MCTA Military/Civilian Training Accreditation (Program)
MLA Member of the Legislature (provinces and territories)
MOA Memorandum Of Agreement
MOC Military Occupation Classification
MoF Ministry of Forests
MOHS Ministry of Health Services
MOT Ministry Of (Ontario) Transport
MOTH Ministry of Transportation & Highways
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MTO Ministry, Transportation of Ontario
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) now: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
NAIT Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
NBCC New Brunswick Community College (anglophone)
NBSCETT New Brunswick Society of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists(SttagN-B)
NCDoT (National Council of Deans of Technology) now: NCDATT
NCDATT National Council of Deans of Apprenticeship, Trades and Technology
NICET National Institute for the Certification in Engineering Technologies (USA)
NOC National Occupation Classification
NORA Network of Regulatory Agencies
NRC National Research Council
NRS National Reference Standards
NTW National Technology Week
OAA Ontario Association Of Architects
OACETT Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists
OLA Open Learning Agency
OSPE Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (distinct from registering body, PEO)
OTPQ Ordre des technologues professionnels du Quebéc – (SODET)
P.Eng. Professional Engineer
P.Geol. Professional Geologists
P.Geoph. Professional Geophysicist
PAC Program Advisory Committee
PAg Professional Agrologist
PAG Program Advisory Group
PDA Professional Development Assurance
PEAs Professional Engineering Associations
PEO Professional Engineers of Ontario
PGeo Professional GeoScience
PLAR Prior Learning Assessment Recognition
PSC Public Service Commission
PST Provincial Sales Tax
PTech Professional Technologist
PTF President’s Task Force
RET Registered Engineering Technologist (only used in Alberta)
RFP Request for Proposal
RPF Registered Professional Forester
RPL Recognition of Prior Learning (see PLAR)
RPT Registered Professional Technologist
S&T Science & Technology
SAIT Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
SASTT (Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists & Technicians) now: TPS / TPSK
SCBC Science Council of B.C.
SCC Skills Canada Compétence
SCP (Sector Council Program)
SIEN Skilled Immigrant Employment Network
SLGs Staff Liaison Group (Executive Officers provincial Engineers Canada associations)
SME Small & Medium Enterprises
TAC Technology Accreditation Canada
TASC (The Alliance of Sector Councils)
TBA To Be Announced
TBD To Be Developed
TechNova SCETTNS-Society of Certified Eng’g. Technicians and Technologists of Nova Scotia
TGIT Technology Graduate In Training
TPS Technology Professionals Saskatchewan
TPC Technology Professionals Canada
TRC Technology Registrations Canada (ASTTBC)
TQAC Technology Qualifications Assessment Canada
U.K. United Kingdom
USMCA United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
UNESCO United Nationals Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
WCB Workers Compensation Board
WETT Women in Engineering, Technology & Trades
WFTO World Federation of Technology Organizations
WIC WorkingInCanada (website)
WiN Women in Nuclear Energy /Radiation
WITT Women in Trades and Technology
WOWTC Westcoast Onsite Wastewater Training Center
YSF Youth Science Foundation

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