Instructions for Application for Membership or Reclassification
A complete, documented record of your education must be provided. Failure to provide complete documentation of completed courses will result in a delay in the processing of your application.
- Scans or copies of diplomas or certificates must be submitted with the application (no originals please).
- Technology Graduate in Training members in good standing, who have previously provided a copy of their diploma, do not need to send it again.
- If you did not receive a diploma, but completed one or more subjects at college, include a transcript of marks awarded. This can be obtained by contacting the college.
Technical Experience
- Include a comprehensive description of your present position, not just the company “job description” – The Certification Board can only evaluate your technical experience based on the information you provide.
- For previous technical positions also include a detailed description, including duties and responsibilities.
Discipline and Option
The certificate awarded does not specify disciplines of applied science or engineering technology; however, to assist in selecting suitable programs of study/examination for those who do not possess the full educational requirements, state your chosen Discipline/Option where requested in the application form.
- This form should be used by Associate members / Certified Technicians who wish to be considered for reclassification to Certified Technician/Professional Technologists.
- Applicants for reclassification are reminded that all Annual Dues, including the current year, must be paid in full before the application for reclassification can be considered.
- Reclassification will be granted only on completion of academic credits which are considered by the Certification Board as to the specific academic requirements which must be met by each individual.
Transfer into New Brunswick from another Constituent Society/Association in Canada
Applicants, who are members in good standing in a constituent member of the Technology Professionals Canada (TPC), or can supply proof of their good standing of certified status elsewhere, may use the Interprovincial Transfer Form to apply for a transfer to NBSCETT.
Collection of Personal Information
NBSCETT collects, uses and discloses personal information to carry out its mandate under the Engineering Technology Act to protect the public, for professional regulation, research, statistical, educational, planning and database purposes and also to provide of offer services to its members directly or through TD Insurance Meloche Monnex and others (“third parties”) when NBSCETT determines such services may be of interest to members (“services”).
Understanding and Acknowledgements
In filling out your application for membership you consent to receiving electronic communications from NBSCETT and third parties respecting such services and may withdraw this consent at any time. You may contact NBSCETT at any time to determine the use of disclosure of information you provide to NBSCETT.
In making your application you understand that certification does not give you the right to practice professional engineering, and that the wall certificate remains the property of the Society, and must be returned when your membership ceases for any reason.
In making your application you agree to abide by the Society’s “Code of Ethics” while a member of NBSCETT/SttagN-B.
The ‘Engineering Technology Act’ of New Brunswick provides fines/imprisonment for knowingly furnishing false or misleading information in respect to an application for certification.