Member’s Identification Seal Order Form

Guidelines For Using Member’s Identification Seal

Use of Seal

The use of the seal is protected under the New Brunswick Engineering Technology Act 1986. The stamp can be used only by certified members in good standing. The right to use the seal is a privilege granted by NBSCETT. Only the seal issued by NBSCETT may be used. The privilege shall be removed if not used in an ethical or professional manner.

Application of Seal

The professional seal should be applied in a clear and legible manner. The seal shall be used on any preliminary, draft or final documents which have been prepared by the member or prepared under the immediate supervision of the member. The normal signature of the member shall be clearly shown in the space provided. The use of initials without surname is not recommended. The date of application, when required, should be noted.

Documents Requiring Seal

In general, seals may be required on documents which:

  1. a) transfer technical information, or;
  2. b) have a technical impact on a third party, or;
  3. c) have been specifically requested by a client or an authority having jurisdiction.

As a guideline, the following documents could require a seal:

  • Preliminary and final technical drawings
  • Design and field notes
  • Preliminary and final reports (preliminary reports and drawings should be clearly marked with a statement to note their preliminary nature
  • Official field notes
  • Official estimates
  • Plans
  • Lab analyses
  • Appraisals
  • Maps
  • Permits
  • Any miscellaneous legal documents
  • Specifications

Letters would not come under this category unless used as a report. In some instances, the industry practice is to ‘seal’ original drawings; and in other instances, only copies are ‘sealed’. The member should be aware of the accepted practice in their area.

Professional Responsibility

The onus is always on the member to ensure that his/her application of the seal is done in a legal, ethical and professional manner. It is the responsibility of the member to be aware of any legal or employer limitations or requirements on the use of the stamp. The Society will assist by providing general guidelines as necessary.

Electronic reproduction of this stamp is only granted to certified members while possessing an authorized seal. The seal will remain the property of NBSCETT and will be surrendered to the Society upon demand.

There is a $50.00 CAD production/handling charge for preparation of the personalized stamp, or $100 CAD for a self-inking personalized stamp.

If you prefer to submit your application in hard copy by post, please download and print this application form instead of filling out the online form below.

* denotes a required field

  • Personal Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Payment

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa