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PLAR Spotlight
Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) is the evaluation and recognition of non-formal, informal and/or experiential learning (as well as formal learning not considered for credit transfer) that can result in workplace recognition, as well as academic credits and/or credentials.

A PLAR process may include activities such as interviewing, competency assessment, learning outcome assessment and portfolio development. Prior learning assessment and recognition is commonly used to evaluate learning acquired outside the classroom for the purpose of assigning academic credits. Common ways individuals have acquired college-level learning include: corporate or military training; work experience; civic activity; and independent study.

Canadian Technology Immigration Network (CTIN)

NBCC Miramichi

NBCC Moncton

NBCC Saint John

CCNB Bathurst

CCNB Edmundston

Manulife Insurance

Garrett Agencies – Manulife Advisors
Garrett Agencies is an independent insurance consulting firm that has supported and serviced the Engineers Canada plans for over 25 years. In addition to being the authorized advisor (Engineers Canada Plans), Garrett Agencies monitors the entire Canadian insurance marketplace and will provide analysis, and comparisons, regarding any life and/or health insurance product offerings available in Canada.

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick

The Canadian Society for Chemical Technology

Canadian Technical Employment Network

Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC)