NEAT Week Competition: NBSCETT and TPC


The Capstone Competition is an annual team competition held for students completing their engineering technology diploma studies from one of New Brunswick’s community colleges, with similar competitions taking place across Canada. This competition showcases, celebrates and recognizes innovation and ingenuity that exists within our province. The top entry from each province will then be entered into the National competition. The top three finalist projects from across the country will be presented via webinar during National Engineering and Applied Science Technology (NEAT) week the last week in November. The webinar audience will select the final winner.

Award Criteria

The Capstone finalists will have their projects evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Project originality
  • Quality of research
  • Methodology and explanation
  • Practicality and importance to society
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Quality of the Technical Report

Submission Requirements

Prior to completing this form, please ensure you have the following information and package components prepared.

Team Components:

  • Names
  • Post-graduation contact information
  • NBSCETT membership ID numbers for each member of the team (Those team members not currently student members can apply for membership here.
  • Brief personal biography (150-300 words) for each team member.
  • Team photo (file name identifies team members from left or right), or, individual headshots for each team member (file name identifies the person in the photo)

Project Components:

  • Presentation package (maximum 10 pages plus appendices) that demonstrates how the project was presented to instructors, peers and any other viewers. Please convert formats such as PowerPoint,Word or others into a PDF document for submission.
  • Full Technical Report, including the instructor’s marking rubric
  • High resolution photos, drawings/schematics in JPEG or PNG format (maximum number is 10 files with a maximum size of 10MB each)
  • Link to a video presentation of the project, preferably YouTube – 10 minutes maximum

Applications must be submitted by 15 August 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. For any questions or concerns, please contact Ed Leslie,

Technology Competition

"*" indicates required fields

Capstone Team Contact Information

Minimum of two members per team
Name Email Actions

Academic Institution and Instructor Information

Academic Institution

Instructor Contact Information


Capstone Project Submission

Project Information
Please provide a brief description of your project (150-300 words).
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.
    Please use this section to upload PDF and image files (JPEG and PNG format) required for submission., For photos, please ensure these are high resolution images. Maximum number of uploads is 10 files with a maximum size of 10MB each.
    Disclaimer and Participation Confirmation*
    By submitting this form, you hereby agree that all of the information provided about the project and the individual team members is accurate and complete to the best of your ability. By applying to participate, the team agrees to accept as final the decisions made by NBSCETT and Technology Professionals Canada during the provincial and national phases of the competition